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Showing posts from May, 2013

High Level steps for protecting Web Application with OAM 11gR2:---

1.        Install OHS or Apache. Any web server in front of your application. 2.        Do a reverse proxy of your application server with this webserver. For OHS as web server and Weblogic as application server please change below line in mod_wl_ohs.conf file. <Location /console>     SetHandler weblogic-handler     WebLogicHost server1     WeblogicPort 7001 </Location> This will forward /console from HTTP server to /console on WebLogic Server server1:7001. 3.        Install Webgate on the server where web server is installed. 4.        Deploy Webgate on the instance of webserver. Command is as below: ./ –w /Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance1/config/ohs1 –oh /Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_OAMWebGate1 5.        Configure Webgate by running EditHttpdConf. ./EditHttpdConf –w /Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_WT1/instances/instace1/config/OHS/ohs1 –oh /Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_OAMWebGate1 –o webgate.conf If library pa

Plug-ins and Plug-in points in OIM 11g R2

Plug-ins are used to customize the default functionality of Oracle Identity Manager and to add extra features based on business requirement  (Like Random password/UserID generation, Generating company code based on organization, Prepopulating values from user data while raising request) .  There is already a defined and constrained set of plug-ins which can be extended to provide desired functionality. Below is the list of all the supported plug-ins:- Plug-in Point  Functionality oracle.iam.ldapsync.LDAPContainerMapper This is used by LDAP synchronization to determine which user/role container should be used to create the user/role in LDAP. oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi.EventHandler This plug-in point is extended in case of creating Event Handlers. By extending this plug-in point Event handlers can be written at the various Orchestration stages of OIM like Preprocess, Postprocess, Validation etc. oracle.iam.platform.auth.api.LoginMapper This plug-in poin