Prerequisites : OAM and OAAM servers are installed and running. 1. Create a directory where OAM and OAAM servers are installed to store the certificate. 2. Run command from <Middleware_home>/Oracle_IDM1/common/bin location. 3. Run connect() command to connect to OAM Admin server and provide the OAM Admin server details. 4. Run the below command to register the OAAM with OAM: registerThirdPartyTAPPartner(partnerName= "OAAMTAPPartner" , keystoreLocation= "<Directory_created_to store_Keystore>/TapKeystore.jks" , password="<Password> " , tapTokenVersion="v2.0" , tapScheme= "TAPScheme" , tapRedirectUrl= "http://<OAM_Host>:14300/oaam_server/oamLoginPage.jsp") 5. Login to OAM console and open the TAP Scheme. 6. Add “MatchLDAPAttribute=uid” in challenge Parameter ...
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