Install the OUD which will be used as a authentication repository for OMSS. Follow the below link to Install the OUD: OAM Configuration: Login to OAM console and under configuration click Available services. Enable Mobile and Social services. Now we will have to create a OAuth client for OMSS which will use the OAM OAuth services. Click on user identity stores and create a OAM ID Store for OUD. Also create a IDS repository for the same OUD. Make OUD as default store for OAM. Open Authentication Modules and modify the LDAP and LDAPNoPasswordAuthModule to use OUD as user identity store. Navigate to Mobile and Social > OAuth Service > Default Domain. Create a new Oauth Web client. Provide a suitable name. Provide a client id and client secret. 'Allow token Attributes retrieval' should be checked. Under privileges and grant types check all the options. Navigate to D...
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