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Showing posts from June, 2014

OAM 11g Cookies

In OAM 11g 2 types of cookies are generated. OAM_ID (Server side) OAMAuthnCookie_<host_port> OAMAuthnCookie is encrypted with the specific key for a particular webgate and can not work with any other webgate. User requests the resource --> webgate intercepts the request and sends a request to OAM to check if resource is protected --> if protected credential collector sends a login page to collect the credentials -->if credentials are correct then OAM_ID cookie is generated at the server side --> OAM server generates the OAMAuthCookie_<host_port> and sends it to webgate  Contents of the OAMAuthnCookie (ObSSOCookie for 10g webgate) are : Authenticated User DN Authentication Level IP Address SessionID (Reference to Server side session – OAM11g Only) Session start and refresh time Session InActivity Global and Max Validation Hash