Download the OTD software and install it on a server by running runInstaller command from <Binaries>/Disk1. Preferred is to configure the OTD as root user because when the administration server is configured as root, then Oracle Traffic Director starts the keepalived daemon automatically when you start instances that are part of a failover group, and stops the daemon when you stop the instances. Set Oracle_Home as the new Installed OTD Home. Run below command to configure the Admin server: <OTD_HOME>/otd/bin/tadm configure-server --port=8989 --user=admin --server-user=root --instance- home= <OTD_HOME> /otd/instance_name/otd_instance1 This command will ask for admin password and will create the admin server. Run Below command to start the admin server: <OTD_HOME> /otd/instance_name/otd_instance1/admin-server/bin/startserv Login to the OTD console on http://<host>:8989 as admin user. Click New configuration: Click Next and create ne...
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