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Showing posts from January, 2016

Enabling Remote User in Weblogic

Most of the Application use “OAM_REMOTE_USER” or “Proxy-remote-user” for the SSO setup which is sent by OAM in the Header. But some applications (like some Apex apoplications) still use “REMOTE_USER” for SSO with OAM. This Remote_user is generated by Weblogic itself based on the user authenticated and retrieved by method “request.getRemoteUser()”. With version 10.3.x this method was deprecated and not enabled automatically with start of weblogic as it opens a security vulnerability. However this Remote user can be enabled explicitly when weblogic is started with the Run time argument “- Dweblogic.http.enableRemoteUserHeader=true ”. Add this value in JAVA Properties of and Remote user will be enabled. Please note that this is not preferred way to do that as the logged in user can be retrieved with “proxy-remote-user” header but can be solution in the case many applications are using “request.getRemoteUser()” method for SSO setup.

JSP to Retrieve Headers

Below is the JSP which can retrieve all the headers from the request and print it on the page.  <%  out.println("<ul>");  java.util.Enumeration names = request.getHeaderNames();  while (names.hasMoreElements()) {    String name = (String) names.nextElement();    String value = request.getHeader(name);    out.println(" <li>     <b>" + name + "=</b>" + value +"</li>");  }  out.println("</ul>");  %>

OIM Reports : PS3

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher is Oracle's primary reporting tool for authoring, manag-ing, and delivering all your highly formatted reports. BI Publisher is shipped with Oracle Identity Manager 11g Release 2 PS3. BI Publisher is deployed and configured as a separate managed server within the same Oracle Identity Manager domain. You have the choice of either leveraging the embedded BI Publisher or a standalone BI Publisher. It is recommended that you use the embedded BI Publisher if there are no other reporting requirements and you only need reporting for Oracle Identity Manager. After BI Publisher configuration, you can take advantage of the standard features of BI Publisher, such as:  Access Policy Reports  Request and Approval Reports  Password Reports  Resource and Entitlement Reports  User Reports  Certification Reports  Identity Audit Reports  Exception Reports The Screenshot of all the reports can be seen below: Every Report uses a Da

OAM Simple Mode Not Working

I faced this issue where OAM in Simple mode was not working when it was changed from CERT mode to Simple mode. It was giving SSLHandshake error in Simple Mode. Below is the solution to make it work. I believe this solution can work whenever any mode is changed and it is not working. a) Delete OamInternal_handler$py.class b) Delete Oam_common$py.class c) Delete Oam$py.class d) Restart the admin server e) Run ./ script f) Run upgradeServerKeystoreCertificate() command and report the result.