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Showing posts from 2013

Developing Prepopulate Adapter with OIM 11g R2

1.      Prepopulate Adapter in OIM uses the plugin point oracle.iam.request.plugins.PrePopulationAdapte r. 2.      Write the Java code which returns the value which has to be populated on the form. 3.      This code will implement the plugin point oracle.iam.request.plugins.PrePopulationAdapte r. Code Snippet: - package; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import oracle.iam.identity.exception.NoSuchUserException; import oracle.iam.identity.exception.UserLookupException; import oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.api.UserManager; import oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.vo.User; import oracle.iam.platform.Platform; import oracle.iam.platform.authz.exception.AccessDeniedException; import oracle.iam.request.exception.RequestServiceException; import oracle.iam.request.vo.Beneficiary; import oracle.iam.request.vo.RequestData; public c

Configuring Oracle Access Manager(OAM) with Window Native Authentication(WNA) for Windows Single Active Directory Domain

Prerequisites:- A windows active directory domain is installed on a Windows 2008 server. OAM 11g R2 OAM server is installed and a target is protected with OAM deployed on a webserver through a webgate agent. Login to the Active Directory server and create a user oam for WNA integration. 2. Execute ktpass command to generate a keytab file. The princ parameter needs to be HTTP/hostnameofOAMServer@DomainName. It should map to a user (oam)of AD.  ktpass -princ HTTP/ -mapuser oam -pass password -out c:\oam.keytab  3. Once ktpass has been executed successfully you will see that parameter User Logon Name has been modified. 4. On oam server at /etc/ directory krb5.conf file is present. Modify the file for domain name and AD server name. If File is not there please create a file with same name and provide the details as below: 5. After krb5.conf file is modified run the klist command to check the contents of oam.keytab file. Also run

Setting Java in Linux

After setting Java_home and Path variable also /usr/bin/java points to the open jdk in Linux. To resolve this we need to establish the link between usr/bin/java and the new JDK installed. Run below command as root to move the java: mv /usr/bin/java /home/ After this run below command to establish the link: ln -s /usr/bin/java /<New_JAVA_HOME/bin/java>

Authorizing a Sample Java App from Oracle Entitlement Server

Create a simple authorization policy from OES and invoke authorization decision using Standard API from a Java  application to allow or deny the access. Create New Application (go to Authorization management > Application > click new Application) Create New Security Module (go to System Configuration > Security Module > click New)  And add Newly Created Application to it.  Create New Resource Type (go to Newly Created Application > Resource Types > Click new) Create New Resource (go to Newly Created Application > Default Policy Domain > Resources Catalog > Resources > Create New) Create New Permit Authorization Policy (go to Newly Created Application > Default Policy Domain > Application Policies > Create New) 6.       Create New Deny Authorization Policy (go to Newly Created Application > Default Policy Domain > Application Policies > Create New) 1.      Edit the following file: OES_CLIENT_HOME/oessm/SMC

Adding UDF (User Defined Field) on create user page OIM 11g R2 PS1:-

    Login to Sysadmin console and create a Sandbox and activate it. Click on Form Designer and search for user form. 2.      Create a new field of desired type. 3.      Provide the Required Values for UDF creation and click save and close. UDF field will be added then publish the sand box. 4.      Login to Identity console now and create another sandbox and activate it. After sandbox is activated click on users link and the click on create user. 5.      Provide the mandatory values on the form and then click the customize button on top. Select source from the view. 6.      Select the panel where the field has to be added. Select panel form lay out click add content. Select Data component Catalog from the box. 7.      Select UserVO from the bottom. 8.      Select the newly added UDF and add it with the required input. 9.      Close the customization and publish the sandbox. UDF is added to