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Authorizing a Sample Java App from Oracle Entitlement Server

Create a simple authorization policy from OES and invoke authorization decision using Standard API from a Java application to allow or deny the access.

  1. Create New Application (go to Authorization management > Application > click new Application)
  2. Create New Security Module (go to System Configuration > Security Module > click New) And add Newly Created Application to it. 
  3. Create New Resource Type (go to Newly Created Application > Resource Types > Click new)
  4. Create New Resource (go to Newly Created Application > Default Policy Domain > Resources Catalog > Resources > Create New)
  5. Create New Permit Authorization Policy (go to Newly Created Application > Default Policy Domain > Application Policies > Create New)

  1. 6.      Create New Deny Authorization Policy (go to Newly Created Application > Default Policy Domain > Application Policies > Create New)

    1.     Edit the following file: OES_CLIENT_HOME/oessm/SMConfigTool/
    NOTE: same name as created using OES Admin Console
    #  Policy dustribution mode is controlled-push

    #  -------- Policy Distributor connectivity information - required for controlled-push distribution mode

    Note- SSL Port of OES Server

    # >>>>>>>>>>>>OPTIONAL PARAMETERS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    # ------------ Only for Java SM, WS SM, and RMI SM in controlled-push mode --------------------
    #  port to listen for policy distribution. Picked automatically by SM config tool if not specified

    8.  Run the (OES_CLIENT_HOME/oessm/bin) –smConfigId <SM_NAME_AS _IN_PRP_FILE> -prpFileName

    9.      This will create a directory in OES_CLIENT_HOME /oes_sm_instances/< SM_NAME_AS _IN_PRP_FILE >

    10.      Create a sample application to validate the authorization request. Code Snippet is as follows-

    1.  public class HelloWBworld {
    3.     public static void main(String[] args) {
    5.        // user initiating Authorization request
    6.        Principal p = new WLSUserImpl("weblogic_wc");
    7.                System.out.println("HelloWBworld :: principal :: "+p);
    8.        Subject user = new Subject();
    9.        System.out.println("HelloWBworld :: Subject :: "+user);
    11.       user.getPrincipals().add(p);
    12.               System.out.println("HelloWBworld :: Subject after add :: "+user);
    14.       // Resource being accessed AppName/ResourceType/ResouceName
    15.       String resourceString = "HelloWBWorld/MyWBResourceType/MyWBResource";
    16. System.out.println("HelloWBworld :: resourceString :: "+resourceString);
    18.       // Action initiated by the user
    19.       String action = "write";
    20. System.out.println("HelloWBworld :: action :: "+action);
    21.       // Environmental/Context attributes
    23.       while (true)
    24.       {
    25.                 System.out.println("HelloWBworld :: while start ");
    26.          try {
    27.             // get Authorization response from OES
    28.             PepResponse response =
    29.                 PepRequestFactoryImpl.getPepRequestFactory()
    30.                         .newPepRequest(
    31.                                 user,
    32.                                 action,
    33.                                 resourceString,
    34.                                 null).decide();
    36.             System.out.println("Request: {" + user + " " + action + " " + resourceString
    37.                      + "} \nResult: " + response.allowed());
    39. //         } catch (PepException e) {
    40.          } catch (PepException e) {
    42.             System.out.println("***** Caught exception: "
    43.                                 + e.getMessage());
    44.             e.printStackTrace();
    45.             System.exit(1);
    46.          }
    47.       }
    48.    };
    49. };
    11.      Run the program to check that it is authorizing the user initiating the resource request.


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