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Enterprise User Security (EUS) with OVD and AD (High Level Steps)

Enterprise User Security-
Enterprise User Security (EUS) leverages the Directory Services and gives you the 
ability to centrally manage database users and role memberships in an LDAP directory. 
Enterprise User Security reduces administration cost, increases security, and improves
compliance through centralized database user account management, centralized
provisioning and de-provisioning of database users, centralized password
management and self-service password reset, and centralized management of
authorizations using global database roles.

EUS Setup -

1.     Login to ODSM and click on the Adapters tab. Click the Configure adapters for Enterprise User Security (EUS) icon. Provide the connection details of AD and the mapping base and adapter is created.
2.     Open a command prompt and run the below command to extend AD schema:
Navigate to $Middleware_Home/Oracle_IDM1/ovd/eus :
java extendAD -h <AD_Host_Name> -p 389 -D <AD_Administrator_DN> -w <AD_Administrator_Password> -AD <root_context>  -commonattr
This will add the orclcommonatr that holds the hashed password that is used to authenticate the AD user to the DB.
3.     Login to AD machine and Copy the oidpwd.dll from
$ORACLE_HOME /ovd/eus/win/oidpwdcn.dll
(For 64bit go to $ORACLE_HOME/ovd/eus/win64/oidpwdcn.dll)
To C:/Windows/system32 on all AD machines.
4.     Run regedit and navigate to
Double click on Notification Packages in the right pane and add oidpwdcn to the list
Click ok Close and restart servers.
5.     Login to DB machine (which has to be configured for EUS) and run netca. From the options select “Directory usage configuration”. On the next window provide OVD hostname and port.
This will create a ldap.ora file in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin with OVD connection details.
6.      Run DBCA and select “configure database options”. Select Register the database option and provide OVD admin credentials.  Leave it on to ‘Dedicated server mode’ and click finish.
7.     Shutdown the database and before starting it again make sure ORACLE_BASE is set. Cwallet.sso file should be present in {ORACLE_BASE}/admin/{Oracle_SID}/wallet folder.
8.     Create a role and user identified globally.
Create Role AD_SESSION identified GLOBALLY;  
Create user global_schema identified Globally;
Grant connect to role and user:-
GRANT connect to AD_SESSION;
Grant connect to global_schema;
9.     Start em console by running ‘emctl start dbconsole’. Login as a dba and click on server. Click on Enterprise user security and login with OVD admin credentials.
10.  Click on Manage Enterprise Domains > configure > User-schema mappings > create
11.  Select subtree and search for the root context from OVD under which all the users are present.
12. Enter schema as global_schema (created above ) and click continue.
Steps are done now create a user in AD and try to login to DB with created user credentials.


  1. 1. Login to ODSM and click on the Adapters tab. Click the Configure adapters for Enterprise User Security (EUS) icon. Provide the connection details of OVD and the mapping base and adapter is created.

    May be here we need to provide AD details?

    1. Sorry Philipp. It was my mistake connection details has to be of AD that time. I have corrected the mistake. Thanks for pointing it out.

  2. 5. Login to DB machine (which has to be configured for EUS) and run netca. From the options select “Directory usage configuration”. On the next window provide OVD hostname and port.

    This step doesn't work unless you extended AD schema

  3. For an unknown reason netca can't connect to OVD and OVD reports in its log bad certificate. I wonder where can I find more detailed info about that topic?


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