Configuring Oracle Access Manager(OAM) with Window Native Authentication(WNA) for Windows Single Active Directory Domain
Prerequisites:- A windows active directory domain is installed on a Windows 2008 server. OAM 11g R2 OAM server is installed and a target is protected with OAM deployed on a webserver through a webgate agent. Login to the Active Directory server and create a user oam for WNA integration. 2. Execute ktpass command to generate a keytab file. The princ parameter needs to be HTTP/hostnameofOAMServer@DomainName. It should map to a user (oam)of AD. ktpass -princ HTTP/ -mapuser oam -pass password -out c:\oam.keytab 3. Once ktpass has been executed successfully you will see that parameter User Logon Name has been modified. 4. On oam server at /etc/ directory krb5.conf file is present. Modify the file for domain name and AD server name. If File is not there please create a file with same name and provide the details as below: 5. After krb5.conf file is modified run the klist command to check the contents of oam.keytab file....