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Showing posts from July, 2015

Webcenter Portal SSOwith OAM 11g R2 PS2

Installation of OUD: Directory server needs to be installed for setting up the SSO. Installation of OUD is described in below post: Install OAM: OAM 11g R2 is required. Below are the steps to install OAM 11gR2:  Installation and configuration of WebTier Utility:  Download and install webtier utility.Steps are as below: Set the reverse proxy of OHS to Webcenter. In order to do that navigate to <Middleware_home>/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance1/config/OHS/ohs1/ and  Open the file - mod_wl_ohs.conf. Add below para in the file: <Location />     SetHandler weblogic-handler     WebLogicHost server1     WeblogicPort 8889 </Location> This will redirect all the OHS request to weblogic server1 port 8889.URL patter

Installation of Webgate 11G

Installation of Web Tier Utility

Download the software unzip it on the server and run Disk1/runInstaller .sh.

MAF-iOS application Integration with OAM-MS

Configurations in Oracle Access Manager: Create a application profile in OAMMS. Click Mobile and Social --> Mobile Services --> Application Profiles -->Create. Provide Application bundle ID of the MAF Application.                                                                                        Profile must have Mobile Configuration checked.                                                                            Provide the values for below fields: -URL scheme -iOS bundle ID -Android Package -Android app signature Create a service domain in OAMMS and associate the application profile with newly created domain. Click Mobile and Social --> Mobile Services --> Service Domains -->Create. Existing MobileServiceDomain can also be used. •Type must be Mobile Application •Authentication Scheme -Mobile Service Authentication if using MAF Login page locally -InternetIdentityAuthentication if using the relying party feature - •Security Handler -DefaultS