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MAF-iOS application Integration with OAM-MS

Configurations in Oracle Access Manager:

  • Create a application profile in OAMMS. Click Mobile and Social --> Mobile Services --> Application Profiles -->Create. Provide Application bundle ID of the MAF Application.                                                                                       
  • Profile must have Mobile Configuration checked.                                                                           
  • Provide the values for below fields:
  • -URL scheme
    -iOS bundle ID
    -Android Package
    -Android app signature

  • Create a service domain in OAMMS and associate the application profile with newly created domain. Click Mobile and Social --> Mobile Services --> Service Domains -->Create. Existing MobileServiceDomain can also be used.

•Type must be Mobile Application

•Authentication Scheme
-Mobile Service Authentication if using MAF Login page locally
-InternetIdentityAuthentication if using the relying party feature
•Security Handler
-DefaultSecurityHandler plugin for basic checks

•Associate one application profile

MAF Application Configuration:

•Enable security in the MAF Application.

•Select OAMMS as the authentication mechanism for Application. Provide the values of below parameters:


Service Domain

Profile ID

  • Deploy the Application back on iOS simulator or iOS device. Open the app and Authentication Page from OAM-MS will appear.


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