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OAM 11g PS3 SSO with Peoplesoft HCM 9.2 (Peopletools 8.55)

Setting up the Environment:

  • It is assumed that Peoplesoft Pre-built VM is used and configured. Peoplesoft is up and running.
  • OAM 11gR2 PS3 is up and running. OHS is protected by OAM webgate and can be reverse proxied to Peoplesoft.
  • To setup the Application designer navigate to the '/opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools_client/' location in the VM. Download the folder on local machine where Application Designer needs to be installed.
  • Install the oracle client and put tnsnames.ora <client_home>\product\12.1.0\client_1\network\admin location.
  • Navigate to the folder and run 'setupPTClient.bat  -t -l' to install the application designer.
  • Navigate to 'C:\PT8.55.06_Client_ORA\bin\client\winx86' and run pside.exe to start the application designer. DB name in this case is 'PSHCMDB and userid/pwd is PS/PS.
Configuration on PeopleSoft:

  • Login to the Peoplesoft console http://<host_name>:8000/psp/ps/?cmd=start using credentials PS/PS. Click on Nav bar to see all the other options.
  • Navigate to Peopletools-> Security -> User Profiles -> User Profiles.
  • Add a new profile named OAMPSFT. Provide the Password on first tab. Make Sure All user profiles created are in upper case.Click on ID tab and select ID as 'none'. Click on Roles tab and add Peoplesoft User. click Save.
  • Navigate to Peopletools -> Web Profile --> Web Profile Configuration. Search for the PROD profile and click on 'Security' tab. Check 'Allow Public Access' and add OAM PSFT user and Password. 
  • Navigate to Peopletools --> Security --> Security Objects --> Signon PeopleCode. Uncheck other options and check 'OAMSSO_AUTHENTICATION' enabled as below:
  • Login to Application Designer. Click Open and select 'Record' from the drop down. Provide 'FUNCLIB_LDAP' and click Open.
  • Right click on 'LDAPAUTH' and View Peoplecode. Search for function 'getWWWAuthConfig()' and provide 'OAMPSFT' as userid.
  • Search for 'OAMSSO_AUTHENTICATION()' function and provide 'PS_SSO_UID' as Header value.
  • Configuration on PeopleSoft side is done. PeopleSoft needs to be restarted. Login as psadm2 user and run 'psadmin' command to restart the domain.
OAM Configuration:
  • Reverse Proxy the PeopleSoft from OHS either using 'mod_wl_ohs' or httpd.conf. Reverse Proxy all the /psp/,/ps,/psc,/cs and URL's.

ProxyPreserveHost On
proxypass /psp/ http://<psft_host>:8000/psp/
proxypassreverse /psp/ http://<psft_host>:8000/psp/

  • Protect all the URL's as mentioned above in OAM Application domain as below:
  • Create a Authentication policy and Protect the URL's using LDAPScheme.

  • Add a condition as always 'TRUE' and add this condition in Rule as below. Else Authorization error will occur.
  • Click on the Responses tab and add 'PS_SSO_UID' as Header. Provide value for the Header as '$user.attr.uid'.
  • Configuration is completed. Try to access PSFT using http://<OHS_Host>:7777//psp/ps/?cmd=start and provide credentials. Should be redirected to PeopleSoft console.Hope it works. 


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